Swap Force Observations
As we play the game, I am noticing certain differences, both good and bad, in the game play from the previous versions. I wanted to keep a running commentary on them as I notice them because frankly, if I don't write them down fairly quickly, they get lost in the moment. I will try to tag them as "Observations" so they can be searched on the blog under that tag and reviewed as a group.
So anyway: The one I'm noticing at the moment is with Chill, or Blizzard Chill I should say. She looks great, as I think so far all have, in Swap Force. However, I am noticing a difference in the "feel" in the way she knocks the ice blocks around. They used to slide around fairly energetically. Now they are slower...which is too bad but not a major concern. The difference can be explained perhaps that VV (Vicarious Visions) have weighted them as more massive in the computer modeling. As I said, not a major concern but a diminishment to me. More importantly to me is her ice bashing them with her shield to get them moving in the first place. In the past, once she deployed the blocks, she could rapid hit them in sequence pretty quickly to send them off smoothly. Now she gets the first hit and the line moves forward slightly, taking the shield bash offline. She has to advance a step to continue hitting them. For me, this is annoying and takes away from her utility. I wonder if anyone else notices it...? It's too bad because I was just getting the hang of her in Giants.
A second observation is with Flashwing. Her Lightcore figure is brilliant!!!! ( nod to the British there) Upon observation, her proportions have changed: more stubby. Especially the wings . This, I'm sure is an attempt to make her more sturdy to encapsulate the LED and better propagate the light through her body (something they really achieved with her-she ranks up there with Lightcore Prism Break IMO). For sheer interest, if you have a Series 1 Flaswing, put them side by side and compare them. The most obvious difference can be seen in the size of her head....noticeably larger on the Lightcore version. As I stated earlier, the Lightcore is great and I'm on board with the potential reasons for the proportion change... I just hope it's for the Lightcore only and that if she ever gets a Series 3 or Series 2 (non-Lightcore) pose, that they go back to her original proportions. I think she was pretty well perfect in her first iteration.

More rumblings as I notice...I just wanted to get the ball rolling on recording the things we are noticing as we play....Enjoy all!